Monday, March 3, 2014

Pressing Social Problem

GENDER & SEX brings up a very heated discussion in today's society. I feel that gender and sex issues, related to gender non-conforming are a pressing social problem right now and a growing new topic. 
In the book Understanding Social Problems obesity is covered in chapter 10 and 11, gender inequality and sexual orientation and the struggle for equality. 
I chose this topic because it is a current social topic and it is not fully understood yet.

The link above will take you to an article called "Gender independent Kids." The article discusses new 

approaches for kids, that are gender non-conforming and how kids challenge the gender norms. 

The link above will take you to an article called "The Many Mothers Cinderella Boy." The article 

discusses how Jake wants to do what Cinderella does. This story was made into a play called A Kid 

Like Jake.

These video clips above are all about the same family raising a boy who is gender non-conforming.  The clips are very interesting seeing how this family has handled the situation, which they did very well. 

This link above will take you to the Huffington Post website, on the section that talks about 

gender conformity. The section looks at a study on kids who are gender non-cnforming, which are at 

increased risk of abuse. 

This link above will take you to Read it Forward, on the section that talks about nonconforming 

children.  This section talks about 12 things every gender nonconforming child wants you to know.  It  

is very interesting seeing this topic from the child's point of view. 

"There is no original or primary gender a drag imitates, but gender is a kind of imitation for which there is no original."
Judith Butler


The EDUCATION system in the US is having problems.  In a poll asking what grade people would give the US education system, the grade was a C!  That is not good at all and something needs to be done so that C becomes an A.  There are a number of problems that make the education system receive a C.  The problems are low academic achievement, high dropout rates, questionable teaching, and school violence.  The schools that usually need the most help are in bad school districts, and have low funding, which makes it hard to get well qualified teachers to work there. There has been some policy work done but still not enough, for example the No Child Left Behind Act of 2002.  Education is not easily adapted for all learning styles, which leads to the child having a hard time in school.
In the book Understanding Social Problems education is covered in chapter 8, Problems in Education. 
I chose this topic because I am interested in education, since I am in still in college I can relate to this topic well. 

The link above will take you to an article called "The Role of Teacher Quality in Retention." The 

article talks about the hiring and selecting process of quality teachers.  It is interesting because teachers 

want the best school and the school wants the best teacher, which leaves the smaller schools unable to 

get the qualified teachers. This is a problem with the US education system. 

The link above will take you to an article called "A Comparative Study Between UK and US: The 

Student Satisfaction in Higher Education and its Influential Factors."  The article compares the US and 

UK education system. The US is the largest education system followed by UK. It is interesting to see 

what the UK is doing and how we are different from them.

In this video clip above titled "A Nation in Crisis: America's Education System is Broken" it discusses how the US education system had fallen behind. 

This link above will take you to the US Department of Education website on the section that talks about 

the eduction structure. At the website there are many tabs to explore to see what it taking place in US 


This link above will take you to Forbes website on information related to education.  The website will 

allow you to explore why the US education system should be rebuilt and restructured.


"Today in America, we are trying to prepare students for a high tech world of constant change, but we are doing so by putting them through a school system designed in the early 20th Century that has not seen substantial change in 30 years."
Janet Napolitano


OBESITY is a major concern and it is only getting worse. It is a concern for both developed and 
developing countries. The statistics are very high for obesity, "two-thirds of U.S. adults are either 
overweight or obese" (Mooney, Knox, Schacht, p. 36). Obesity can lead to many heath complications, such as heart disease, stroke, some cancers, and diabetes. Over the next fifty years life expectancy is predicated to be cut short two to five years, due to obesity effecting ones life. Food consumption and lack of exercise are the two main factors that contribute to obesity. The third factor would then be socioeconomics status.
In the book Understanding Social Problems obesity is covered in chapter 2, Physical and Mental Health and Health Care.
I chose this topic because I am very interested in weight, which goes hand in hand with nutrition. Since nutrition is my major, I find the topic of weight rather interesting.

The link above will take you to an article called "Obesity: A Growing Problem." The article defines 

what obesity is, talks about preventative actions and statistics for both adults, adolescents, and children.

The link above will take you to an article called "Obesity - A Natural Problem of Human Evolution." 

The article talks about obesity looking at other countries other than the US,  it points out statistics, looks 

at the human diet in the past and how the diet is today.

In this video clip above titled "The Obesity Epidemic," it discusses consequences of obesity, how obesity is increasing, the factors of obesity, decreased exercise, and community efforts. 

This link above will take you to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention website on Obesity and 

Overweight. The link has information for you, your family, the community, statistics, community 

programs, and state programs. 

This link above will take you to MedlinePlus on the section for obesity. The link has great resources to

educate you on obesity and it defines obesity in detail.

"We must not constantly talk about tackling obesity and warning people about the negative consequences of obesity. Instead we must be positive - positive about the fun and benefits to be had from healthy living, trying to get rid of people's excuses for being obese by tackling the issue in a positive way." 
Andrew Lansley


12 Things Every Gender-Nonconforming Child Wants You to Know. (n.d.). Retrieved from
A Nation In Crisis: America's Education System Is Broken. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Boyd, D., Lankford, H., Loeb, S., Ronfeldt, M., & Wyckoff, J. (2011). The Role of Teacher Quality in Retention and Hiring: Using Applications to Transfer to Uncover Preferences of Teachers and Schools. Journal Of Policy Analysis And Management30(1), 88-110.
Butler, J. (n.d.). Gender quotes. Retrieved from
Famous sociologist quotes. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Gender Conformity Study Says Kids Outside Of Norms Are At Increased Risk For Abuse. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Henneberg, M., & Grantham, J. (2014). Obesity - a natural consequence of human evolution. 
       Anthropological Review77(1), 1-10. doi:10.2478/anre-2014-0001
How Should We Rebuild the U.S. Education System? - Forbes. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Lansley, A. (n.d.). Obesity Quotes. Retrieved from
Li-Wei, M. (2005). A Comparative Study Between UK and US: The Student Satisfaction in Higher Education and its Influential Factors. Journal Of Marketing Management21(7/8), 859-878.
Mark O'Connell, L.C.S.W.: The Many Mothers of Cinderella Boy: A Review of A Kid Like Jake. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Mooney, L., Knox, D., & Schacht, C. (2013). Understanding Social Problems (8th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wandsworth Cengage Learning.
Napolitano, J. (n.d.). School System Quotes. Retrieved from
Obesity and Overweight: Topics - DNPAO - CDC. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Obesity: MedlinePlus. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Parenting a Gender-Creative Child -- The Doctors. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Parents raise boy as 'gender creative'. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Pyne, J. (2014). Gender independent kids: A paradigm shift in approaches to gender non-conforming children. Canadian Journal Of Human Sexuality23(1), 1-8. doi:10.3138/cjhs.23.1.CO1Seidell, J. (1999). Obesity: a growing problem. Acta Paediatrica. Supplement88(s428), 46-50. 
Retrieved from
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Structure of U.S. Education. (n.d.). Retrieved from
The Obesity Epidemic. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Understanding Gender Nonconformity -- The Doctors. (n.d.). Retrieved from


Welcome to An Insight to Obesity and Education!  I hope you enjoy my blog and come away learning something that you did not know.  My name is Tiffany, I attend college at the University of Idaho; I am getting a B.S. in Food and Nutrition with the Dietetics option.  

I will be blogging about obesity related to the increasing numbers and education related to the U.S. system.  Obesity is a growing concern and more knowledge needs to be directed to this topic, that is affecting so many people of all ages.  Education is very important however, it is lacking in advancing to the current day and age.  

My observations from sociological research and theories do help in our understanding of identifying and treating social problems.  The research and theories help us to think with a big picture mindset, and make us look differently at how we usually tend to view social problems.  These theories allow us to be exposed to social problems in a new light.  Allowing us to question and re-evaluate how we think and act on social problems.

"Now is the accepted time, not tomorrow, not some more convenient season. It is today that our best work can be done and not some future day or future year. It is today that we fit ourselves for the greater usefulness of tomorrow. Today is the seed time, now are the hours of work, and tomorrow comes the harvest and the playtime."  W. E. B. Du Bois

"Your past is important but it is not nearly as important to your present as the way you see your future." Tony Campolo